By default WhatACart comes with a default store set up during installation.
Clicking on edit would take the user to General Settings page for store where name, data category, status, owner, meta information and theme would be set.
Setting Addresses
The next step would be set the billing and shipping address for the store. These would be very useful in case of tax calculation where customer addresses are not present. These would also be used on order invoices.
Local Settings
Local Settings facilitates the user to select country, state, language, currency, length class, weight class and timezone.
Image Settings
On this screen, logo for the store can be selected. The logo must be a suitable size and shape for the selected theme, and should ideally be a jpg or png file. Favicon can be chosen as well. This is the small image that would be displayed in the browser when the site is visited. Typically, favicons are 16px by 16px, and WhatACart requires a ico file for favicons.
Specific Sections
This screen allows the user to configure the settings related to specific features in the front end for example catalog, taxes, account, checkout, stock, reviews, wishlist, compare products, local, coupon and reward points. On changing the settings in the above mentioned sections, the changes are reflected in the front end. For example, if allow guest checkout is selected as yes, than guest checkout would be enabled in the front end.